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    Written by Alexander Barbara on April 26, 2006

    I first wrote The New Vacation Revolution four years ago, and a lot has happened since then.

    The book was rejected by 45 literary agents while I was living in England. And the one agent that did take the title ended up giving up.

    After seeing the timeshare books that have found a publisher, it is clear - to me, at least - that the information contained in The New Vacation Revolution is needed just as much today as it was four years ago.

    The timeshare industry continues to use high pressure sales tactics to sell a product that actually sells itself. And they do this for good reason: more than 50% of the price of that $24,000 timeshare is profit.

    Yet there are countless opportunities for the average family to buy a luxurious vacation home for pennies on the dollar. Instead of spending more than $20,000 to buy from a developer, you can save as much as 90% if you buy a resale timeshare.

    I intend to continue work on a revised edition of The New Vacation Revolution, but I have not found the time to do so in recent months. A few of you have asked about the book, and I have not had a great answer. Simply put, the project has been stagnant for too long.

    I want to make The New Vacation Revolution the best book available on the subject of timeshare. And I need your help to do it.

    The next edition of the book is a work in progress, and is not ready to be published. So I’ll make you a deal - I will make it available online for free on one condition: you all give me some feedback on it. If you don’t quite understand something, or if a section did not quite answer all of your questions - then please let me know.

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